1- a Natural Vitamin, that boost the body to eliminate free radicals and promote production of anti-oxidants.
2- a Nutritive Supplement, promote the body to self-healing against illness, viruses…
3- a Natural Fresh Food Blend , at least 20 ingredients(about 7 organic) in a Super Blender
4- a CBD Enriched Oil to Help on Chronic Pain and many other (*see listbelow) Note: I place the CBD Enriched Hemp Oil on 4thposition before the Exercise Agenda because some people are hurting now and hurting even more when exercising.
5- a Comprehensive Exercise Agenda
In addition I utilize a Personal Emotional Healing as support for my day to day health, and a minimum of one (1) massage every two or three weeks.
- With the new healthcare program, some of my clients mentioned that they wanted to get healthy and fit because starting this year (2014) their insurance is no longer adequate.
p.s. prior to 2005, I was paying $600 monthly for health insurance that I was not using as I was no longer becoming sick.