Hours available for Massage and Spa Treatments Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun 9-6 9-6 9-6 9-8 9-6 9-3 call
Appointments are not scheduled every hour. All times vary due to the type of therapy with 15 min in between for assessment, scheduling, and checkout. It's best to schedule your appointment in advance. However, same day appointments are sometimes available. This schedule is not permanent and does allow flexibility to best meet your needs.
Cancellation Policy
When scheduling a services, a credit card is required.
24 hour notice is required for cancellation or rescheduling.
No charge is made to your credit card if 24 hour notice is given for cancellation or rescheduling.
If less than 24 or a no-showhours notice is given 1/2 the cost of scheduled treatments will be charged.
If less than 12 hours notice is given, or a no-show, the full price of scheduled treatments will be charged. In the case of a no-show, a credit card will be required for all future scheduling.